Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2023

🤖📰 Biden releases AI executive order directing agencies to develop safety guidelines - The Daily Insider

🤖📰 Biden releases AI executive order directing agencies to develop safety guidelines - The Daily Insider
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Industry News
So, you're not going to get me a cup of coffee?
Source: The Register
Greetings, Fellow Human. Click here to receive 3 kagillion solari in inheritance from someone you've never heard of.
Source: Beta News
Mission Accomplished! AI Apocalypse averted
Source: The Verge
Developer News
Sometimes, you just need an AI to talk with
Source: Visual Studio magazine
Who needs all that SQL Server stuff anyway?
Source: Epic Web
Can we just run it on the full internet?
Source: Fast Company
How bad does it smell?
Source: Dashcam
Science and Technology
Two CPUs, no waiting
Source: IEEE Spectrum
Like you needed permission
Source: Medical Express
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Sign on the bottom line (of the cheque)
Source: CodeProject

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