Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 6, 2023

Web Developer Newsletter - IntelliLink - An Alternative Windows Version to Online Link Managers

Web Developer Newsletter - IntelliLink - An Alternative Windows Version to Online Link Managers

Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.

Industry News

Your WPF app can gain more users if you make it cross-platform, but what's the best way to do that—with .NET MAUI or Blazor Hybrid? Here are the steps involved if the results show Blazor Hybrid.
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Learn how to build a basic application with Blazor.
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Jet Brains
In addition to powerful backend features, ASP.NET Core allows the creation of beautiful applications. For example, let's create a digital photo album.
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In previous editions, talks focused on proposed features of CSS or ways to work around features that remained painfully absent. This year it felt like the complete opposite was true. Indeed, a common complaint heard in discussions during breaks was that there is now too much CSS.
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Paul Robert Lloyd
This is a polyfill for WebAssembly. It implements enough of the WebAssembly API to be able to run a .wasm file in a JavaScript environment that lacks a WebAssembly implementation
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Evan Wallace
.NET 8 Preview 5 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.
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.NET blog
Node.js books and tutorials often explain debugging toward the end, and it's often regarded as an advanced technique for expert developers. This can lead to frustration when encountering a problem at the start of your coding journey. This article will set things right by giving you all you need to debug your code.
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Open Relay
A TypeScript library for creating animated videos using the Canvas API.
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Motion Canvas

New articles added


  (0 votes) by Pete_Oliver (updated 5 days ago)
This article provides a step-by-step guide on configuring OTDS 10.5 Patch 6 as an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server. It also walks through an example scenario of authorizing access to a RESTful API using the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.

Articles updated

Hosted Services

  (1 votes) by Dr. Song Li (updated 4 days ago)
AWS step function and CDK and SAM local and miscellaneous subjects

Tips and Tricks updated

Web Development

  (14 votes) by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA (updated 3 days ago)
A look at the URLDownloadToFile function and architecture of IntelliLink

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