Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 9, 2022

Daily News - White House to tech world: Promise you'll write secure code – or Feds won't use it

Daily News - White House to tech world: Promise you'll write secure code – or Feds won't use it
Click here Clean Code: Your software done right
Join Sonar for our webinar where we will be discussing Clean Code – the ideal state of any software. We'll cover how a Clean Code mindset, regardless of the size of your org or the state of your codebase, can extend your application's longevity. Register now.
Click here Armory Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service: created by developers for developers.
Automatically deploy and verify code across multiple environments without the use of pipelines or scripts — and rollback instantly when required. Learn more
Click here PDF Download: Understanding Kubernetes Concepts, Components, and Implementation.
Updated due to popular demand! The 2022 edition adds new sections on understanding the Standard Kubernetes Dashboard, the high-availability control plane, and autoscaling. Get it instantly (17.4 MB, no email required)
Industry News
Never trust the news!
Source: Bleeping Computer
Be the first on your block to not be able to find any new features!
Source: Neowin
It's still imaginary money, but now with less power consumption
Source: CNBC
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
Source: Techcrunch
Developer News
Or: why your internet bandwidth is already used up this month
Source: Visual Studio blog
And as a bonus - learn the first pet's names for all your employees!
Source: Microsoft Security
Science and Technology
"The car next year will be capable of driving itself." - Elon Musk, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Source: The Verge
I'm still waiting for the punchline
Source: The Guardian
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Sharing is caring, but careful sharing is better
Source: CodeProject
*Actual telescope not included
Source: CodeProject

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