Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 7, 2021

The Daily Build - Multiplatform UI Coding with AvaloniaUI in Easy Samples. Part 1 - AvaloniaUI Building Blocks

The Daily Build - Multiplatform UI Coding with AvaloniaUI in Easy Samples. Part 1 - AvaloniaUI Building Blocks
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Headline article

Multiplatform UI Coding with AvaloniaUI in Easy Samples. Part 1 - AvaloniaUI Building Blocks

  (4 votes) by Nick Polyak (updated 7 hours ago)
AvaloniaUI is a great new multiplatform UI package similar but in many respects better than WPF. This is an introductory tutorial article.

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Artificial Intelligence

  (0 votes) by Sergey L. Gladkiy (updated 9 hours ago)
In this article we'll run our face detector on a Raspberry Pi device.


  (0 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 16 hours ago)
How to fix when your rysnc to your webserver fails as you push a Bitbucket repository and expected Bitbucket Pipelines to deploy the site via SSH/rsync to my webservers.


  (0 votes) by Christian Specht (updated 16 hours ago)
After auto-deploying Jekyll sites via Bitbucket Pipelines and GitHub Actions, I wanted to try the same thing via GitLab CI as well

Desktop Programming

  (0 votes) by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu (updated 18 hours ago)
Hello and welcome 😀, Today’s post will focus on a situation I encountered recently, and that is How to create a zip archive on demand to be served via an API endpoint.
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
In this post I implement a Density Matrix Renormalization Group program.


  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
In this article I briefly explore Density Functional Theory
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
This post also introduces VTK, The Visualization Toolkit

Hosted Services

  (0 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 13 hours ago)
This article walks you through my project Planetary Docs, a repository that showcases a full application that supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations (CRUD) using Blazor (Server), Entity Framework Core and Azure Cosmos DB.
  (0 votes) by Dawid Borycki (updated 9 hours ago)
In this article we explore Azure Synapse Studio features for querying, filtering, and aggregating data with almost no code.

Internet of Things

  (0 votes) by André Marcos, Luciano Santos de Jesus (updated 13 hours ago)
Automation with Arduino Prototype for an Alarm Device based on Audiometric Sounds Pattern Control


  (1 votes) by rtybase (updated 8 hours ago)
Andrica's conjecture is one of those mathematical statements which are extremely easy to formulate, but complicated to prove.
  (0 votes) by rtybase (updated 10 hours ago)
Over the last weekend, another question was asked and later disappeared on/from Math StakExchange. The sequence, from that question, is too nice to "let it go", thus, copy/pasting my answer here..

Productivity Apps and Services

  (0 votes) by YawerIqbal (updated 4 hours ago)
This post do not cover the steps required to configure SharePoint for document storage with Model-Driven App.

Programming Languages

  (1 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
The subject of this post is Time-Evolving Block Decimation.
  (1 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
In this post we introduce the Fourier Transform and hint about some of its usages.
  (0 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 11 hours ago)
In this blog post I look at what GraphQL is, share benefits and challenges, review the current .NET ecosystem, and walk you through some hands-on examples.
  (0 votes) by (updated 17 hours ago)
This article help you have a look how to implement RESTful in node in simple way.
  (0 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 18 hours ago)
Two methods and their comparison for Autocomplete pattern which is used to make it easier for users to select items from a long dropdown list
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
This blog entry shares a project that computes the band structure of a crystal having the diamond/zincblende structure, for various elements.
  (0 votes) by Jason Sultana (updated 4 hours ago)
In this article a share a little tool to solve both the problem of previewing an XML Transformation, as well as running the transformation to use for local debugging.
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
In this post I explore Lattice Boltzmann methods and build a related project
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
This post is about the relaxation method combined with a multigrid method applied on the Laplace equation.
  (0 votes) by aroman (updated 4 hours ago)
In this article I discuss and make a program about Hartree-Fock.

Web Development

  (0 votes) by Jason Sultana (updated 12 hours ago)
How do we implement a sort of "top-level" async function in Node, when there isn't an async main method, or something of the like?
  (0 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 13 hours ago)
In this article I demonstrate multi-tenancy in a Blazor Server app
  (0 votes) by Aram Tchekrekjian (updated 14 hours ago)
In this tutorial we will learn how to Connect Android with ASP.NET Core Web API.
  (0 votes) by RmauroDev (updated 17 hours ago)
In this article, we're going to create the code (and understand how it works) to handle API Key authentication with just three lines of code extending the native Authentication mechanism.
  (0 votes) by Thomas Daniels (updated 16 hours ago)
In this article, we will look at how you can create a new Electron app targeted at 64-bit WoA devices and how you can port existing Electron apps.

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Artificial Intelligence

  (1 votes) by rtybase (updated 7 hours ago)
A* search explained.


  (1 votes) by rtybase (updated 9 hours ago)
Another number theory problem
  (0 votes) by rtybase (updated 7 hours ago)
Tackling Andrica's conjecture - Part 3

Programming Languages

  (2 votes) by PaltryProgrammer (updated 4 hours ago)
On certain occasions, Visual Studio does not indent as intended so here is an awk program which does the trick.
  (1 votes) by rtybase (updated 7 hours ago)
Scope of variables in Java, nulling and why this might be important.

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