Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 6, 2021

Daily News - Visual Studio 2019 16.11 Preview 2

Daily News - Visual Studio 2019 16.11 Preview 2
Click here Telerik UI for Blazor – Reporting for duty!
Use Telerik UI for Blazor Grid where data is practical to sort, easy to report and available for export! Thanks to the Report Server, you can now display data in unique reports, featuring various graphs, tables, statistics and more. Check it out now!
Click here Microsoft Build 2021 sessions and more on this GitHub repo
Catch the latest sessions and blogs from Microsoft Build 2021 on Microsoft's monthly resources GitHub repo. Watch us, Star us.
Click here $250k+ in prizes for the Future of Fintech
Rapyd is inviting you to join a global Fintech Hackathon: build a new eCommerce or Fintech app using Rapyd APIs and compete for a chance to grab $250K in prizes, judged by an all-star panel of VCs and fintech leaders. Sign up, team up, and build the world's next paypal.
Industry News
Do I hear 7? 7G anyone? 8? How about 9G?
Source: Gizmodo
You mean it's not just everyone around you that can hear your phone conversations?
Source: Tech Xplore
If you outlaw 'p@ssword1' only outlaws will use 'p@ssword1'
Source: ZDNet
We hear everyone enjoys online-only games, so why not OSes?
Source: OnMSFT
Source: Monkey User
Developer News
"Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Source: ZDNet
Welcome to Version Heck
Source: Rick Strahl
For those who miss re-installing Visual Studio
Source: Visual Studio blog
'Nears stability' doesn't give me quite the level of confidence they were hoping for
Source: Visual Studio magazine
Science and Technology
Sadly, it doesn't support indices or SQL
Source: Ars Technica
I admit to posting this one almost entirely due to the name
Source: GitHub
"She's a model and she's looking good"
Source: Slash Gear
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Do we have programming languages named for each Scrabble tile yet?
Source: CodeProject
Click here Join PagerDuty June 22-25, 2021
For a series of in-depth talks on industry trends, best practice sharing, and the latest in DevOps. Plus, you can earn PagerDuty's official API Masterclass and/or Incident Responder Certification at no cost—a course value of up to $7,500! Register for Summit today.

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