Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 10, 2020

Daily News - The No-Code Generation is arriving

Daily News - The No-Code Generation is arriving
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Industry News
If you're not paying for the game, you're the game
Source: Venture Beat
Maybe they can tell me what finger I'm holding up now?
Source: Tech Xplore
Linux Foundation survey of Linux users finds Linux popular. More breaking news as it comes in.
Source: Tech Republic
The 'X' stands for 'Already eXtinct'
Source: Windows Latest
But what if I enjoy broken web pages?
Source: ZDNet
Source: Bizarro
Developer News
Windows 3020: we still haven't fixed Griff's bug report yet Edition
Source: Software Archeology
debug.log ought to be enough for everyone
Source: functionize
"People try to put us d-down. Just because we get around"
Source: Techcrunch
Science and Technology
"Pushing and a pulling in the great Big Harbour and the great big world is so much fun"
Source: Engadget
I need this like I need a hole in my head
Source: IEEE Spectrum
Just in case you get thirsty while you're there
Source: NASA
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
For your reading enjoyment
Source: CodeProject
"The clouds prepare for battle in the dark and brooding silence"
Source: CodeProject

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