Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Daily News - Programming as craft

Daily News - Programming as craft
Click here Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework: Whitepaper
How do you choose one JavaScript framework over another for your next web application? Learn about the current state of the Angular, React and Vue and how they compare against a comprehensive set of criteria. Download now.
Click here Any Protocol, Any Platform, Any IDE
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Click here Dynamic Dashboards from Excel Charts & Ranges with SpreadsheetGear 2017
You and your users can design dashboards, reports, charts, and models in Excel or the SpreadsheetGear Workbook Designer rather than hard-to-learn developer tools and you can easily deploy them with one line of code. Try it now!
Industry News
Short version: it probably has
Source: The Verge
Sorry, it was actually me. I just forgot my MSN password again
Source: Infosecurity
If you outlaw screwdrivers, only outlaws will have screwdrivers
Source: Security Ledger
But my new one is going to make people rich*, invest now!
Source: Engadget
Developer News
It's an artisanal, hand-crafted program, with free range variables and fair trade data access
Source: Techcrunch
It worked out pretty well for that other guy
Source: IEEE
You know, for those times when you want to browse for some gifts for the spouse
Source: Engadget
Depends on if his success depends on your success
Source: Scott Berkun
Science and Technology
"Fetchez la vache"
Source: Motherboard
"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time"
Source: Enterprise.nxt
So, let's turn it on and watch the fun!
Source: Engadget
Back to my lie-down "desk" I go
Source: The Telegraph
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
My work machine just got updated to DOS 6! Thank you, IT!
Source: CodeProject
If they can keep you from logging in, maybe the hackers won't bother
Source: CodeProject

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