Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 11, 2017

Daily News - The mobile internet is the internet

Daily News - The mobile internet is the internet
Click here Add SSH and SFTP to Your Apps
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Click here Beautifully Simple Object Storage
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Click here Need to create Excel Charts?
Use SpreadsheetGear to enable users to visualize data with comprehensive Excel-compatible charting, which makes creating, modifying, rendering and interacting with complex charts easier than ever before.Try it now!
Industry News
Oh, you wanted an OS? That's extra.
Source: Engadget
In related news, a mobile phone is a phone, and a Mobile, Alabama is in Alabama
Source: Quartz
From 0 to sexy in 60 seconds
Source: Bloomberg
Present company included {beep}
Source: Axios
Developer News
Should we call it C++++ (or maybe just put those four '+' characters into a new symbol?
Source: JetBrains
Maybe a BFD, but FYI
Source: Visual C++ team
Another report: I am not
Source: SD Times
It's entirely a coincidence that "modernizing" means "pay to win"
Source: .NET blog
Science and Technology
"Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business."
Source: Science Daily
But was it a turtle with a gun?
Source: Motherboard
They finally found the control room?
Source: Nature
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Back .. up? Whuzzat?
Source: CodeProject
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Take a 2 minute survey to tell us what technologies you're using. As a panelist, you'll have your voice heard regarding developer tools and emerging technologies, receive points that add up to cash prizes, and be entered in a $500 drawing.

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