Web Developer Newsletter - Wexflow: Open source workflow engine in C# 5 new and 4 updated articles today
Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject. | Beautifully Simple Object Storage Host vast amounts of data such as website assets, images, videos, logs, data archives, and backups on DigitalOcean with Spaces. Create a Space in two clicks using the drag-and-drop UI or API. Spaces works with S3 compatible tools & requires no configuration. Get Started > | Industry News This week, during the JS Team meetup, we have demonstrated the first prototype of a Rust meta-Jit compiler, named HolyJit. | Mozilla | As designers, we like to think we are solution-based. But whereas we wouldn't hesitate to call out a museum made inaccessible by a lack of wheelchair ramps, many of us still remain somewhat oblivious to flaws in our user interfaces. | Smashing Magazine | The Napa.js runtime is in development to bring C++-like performance to Node.js | Infoworld | ACME support being built in to one of the world's most popular Web servers, Apache httpd, is great because it means that deploying HTTPS will be even easier for millions of websites. | Let's Encrypt | The strength of PayPal's cross-domain JavaScript suite is that as the code has to run on a wide variety of third-party websites and other domains without causing problems, it is designed to avoid pitfalls.PayPal has just open sourced the whole suite. | iProgrammer | Mozilla is working on a combined framework that gives developers standardized, well-documented tools with which to access the user's chosen mixed reality platform. | Techcrunch | It sure is nice having a whole codebase that is perfectly compliant to a set of code style guidelines. | CSS Tricks | New articles added  | (2 votes) by anuj vohra (updated 5 days ago) To Create ASP.NET MVC5 with Entity Framework 6 and Code First Approach |  | (5 votes) by massimiliano aronica (updated 15 hours ago) Let's have a break with Javascript and a Canvas. |  | (0 votes) by ManishHPatil (updated 3 hours ago) This is the second part in the series, which will show how to setup the development environment for ReactJS with Typescript. This part will focus on creating a public GitHub repository for the code created in the first part of the series. |  | (2 votes) by Jeremy Likness (updated 3 days ago) The LEADTOOLS® HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Viewer helps shorten the learning curve for developers to build applications that support DICOM. It is the perfect way to quickly get started building medical applications that are accessible from any device. | Articles updated  | (115 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated yesterday) Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation. |  | (128 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 3 days ago) An extensible workflow engine with a cross-platform manager and designer. |  | (13 votes) by thangchung (updated yesterday) You're still concern about what is the modern software architecture at the moment? You're searching around to the Best software architecture for applying for your project. Go deeply into this article, it's going to help you answering by your own. |  | (5 votes) by mahmood kabi (updated 2 days ago) extract overlapped polygons and calculate the overlapped area and write an API for it | New Tips and Tricks added  | (1 votes) by massimiliano aronica (updated 3 days ago) Enable a button with a simple expression in its attribute , basing on the status of the referenced elements | © 2017 The Code Project. All rights reserved. This email was sent to vutunglampro@gmail.com. To stop receiving The Code Project Web Development Newsletter click Unsubscribe. CodeProject 503-250 Ferrand Drive, Toronto Ontario, M3C 3G8 Canada +1 416-849-8900 x 100 Please do not reply directly to this email. It was sent from an unattended mailbox. For correspondence please use webmaster@codeproject.com |
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