Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 2, 2017

Weekly Newsletter (6 Feb 2017)

Weekly Newsletter (6 Feb 2017)
Welcome to this week's newsletter from CodeProject.
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Site News

Coding Challenge of the Week

We've started a fun and informal weekly code challenge in Quick Answers. Each Friday I'll post a simple programming challenge that you should be able to complete in under 30 mins. The stranger the approach, the more obscure the language, or the more inappropriate the use of framework features the better. The point is to have fun and let you wander into areas unknown. Stretch your wings a little!

Got a simple coding problem you'd like to contribute? Email me at

Chris Maunder

Weekly Poll Results

Which compile-to-Javascript languages do you use regularly?

Survey period: 30 Jan 2017 to 6 Feb 2017

Anything that makes JavaScript more manageable is good in our books.

I don't use Javascript or Javascript-like languages at all45039.10450 votes, 39.10%
I use Javascript directly54347.18543 votes, 47.18%
Babel302.6130 votes, 2.61%
ClojureScript10.091 votes, 0.09%
CoffeeScript100.8710 votes, 0.87%
Dart30.263 votes, 0.26%
Haxe00.000 votes, 0.00%
LiveScript10.091 votes, 0.09%
TypeScript19917.29199 votes, 17.29%
Other242.0924 votes, 2.09%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

This week's survey: User Identity frameworks: What do you use?

Latest Additions

New articles added

.NET Framework

  (11 votes) by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲 (updated 4 days ago)
How to build my own 3D graphic engine from ZERO step by step
  (5 votes) by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲 (updated 4 days ago)
[language improvements] R language like optional parameter expression in VisualBasic


  (1 votes) by Yogi S. (updated yesterday)
In this Tutorial I will show how to make API calls with jQuery Post Method which is an AJAX method of jQuery.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  (3 votes) by KristianEkman (updated 2 days ago)
Chess engine and simple chess user interface


  (7 votes) by syed shanu (updated 5 hours ago)
In this article let's see how to create a shopping cart using ASP.NET Core, Angular 2, Entity Framework 1.0.1 and Web API with Template pack .
  (2 votes) by AJSON (updated 15 hours ago)
Using the Google map API to plan routes, and work out the nearest destination from a starting point

C / C++ Language

  (5 votes) by Jitesh Varma (updated 3 days ago)
Dynamically load a DLL with a name mangled interface, and use the undecorated interface.
  (1 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 14 hours ago)
Create a worker thread with an event loop, message queue and a timer using the C++11 thread support library.
  (0 votes) by Shao Voon Wong (updated 23 hours ago)
Boost Lexical Cast Wrapper to provide more exceptional information


  (4 votes) by Arthur V. Ratz (updated 4 days ago)
In this article, we will discuss about the implementation of the SVD++ AI data mining algorithm to produce recommendations based on ratings prediction

Client side scripting

  (9 votes) by Naveen Kosana (updated 4 days ago)
Learn how to write unit test cases using Jasmine framework for Angular Controllers
  (3 votes) by Nitesh01 (updated 6 days ago)
Learn to use regular expressions in Javascript with simple examples.
  (2 votes) by Darren G441 (updated 6 days ago)
How to build a matrix display to represent a many-to-many entity relationship
  (1 votes) by Tomáš Růt (updated 4 days ago)
Introduction of bobril-build - nodejs-based build system created for building single-page applications written in Typescript and with lot of optimalizations for bobril and bobril-g11n.

Cryptography & Security

  (11 votes) by Michael Haephrati (updated 6 days ago)
Chrome stores all passwords and other credentials in an encrypted database but guess what: they can be retrieved by anyone with the proper knowledge. This article will show you how.
  (7 votes) by Michael Haephrati (updated 6 days ago)
Firefox is the most secured web browser. Finding a way to fetch its stored credentials wasn't easy, especially when it comes to the more recent versions. However, there is a way and it is shown in this article.
  (5 votes) by Michael Haephrati (updated 6 days ago)
Internet Explorer allows two methods of credentials storage: web sites credentials (for example: your Facebook user and password) and autocomplete data. The data can be easily retrieved by anyone who knows how. This article will show you how.

General Graphics

  (16 votes) by wolfoerster (updated 2 days ago)
Or why isn't the earliest sunset on the year's shortest day?

Grid & Data Controls

  (1 votes) by Leif Simon Goodwin (updated 4 days ago)
This article presents an attached behaviour for the WPF DataGrid control which allows multiple columns to share the same width, and columns to shrink to fit their content.

Hardware & System

  (3 votes) by Satish Jagtap (updated yesterday)
This article is written in VC++ as utility to manage startup applications of Windows.
  (0 votes) by AJSON (updated yesterday)
A quick how-to on converting VMs from Parallels on Mac, to VirtualBox on Windows.

Internet / Network

  (0 votes) by Florimond (updated yesterday)
Explains how to use Emitter with a database to store the content of collaborative todo list.


  (5 votes) by Michael Chourdakis (updated yesterday)
C++ dir, upload, download and management library
  (0 votes) by Mallanagouda Patil (updated yesterday)
This article helps to setup Apache Spark on Windows in easy steps.

Product Showcase

  (0 votes) by Jeffrey T. Fritz (updated 6 days ago)
In this article, I am going to work on my application with Visual Studio 2017 RC and deploy it to a VM running Ubuntu Linux with Apache 2.

Raspberry Pi

  (0 votes) by George Swan (updated yesterday)
How to set up a two-way interface between a remote browser-enabled device and a Raspberry Pi.

Articles updated

.NET Framework

  (9 votes) by Pawel Wzietek (updated 5 days ago)
synchronous/asynchronous control via multiple interfaces with command queuing


  (10 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 2 days ago)
This article explains how useful the jQuery Load method is for doing AJAX calls in our web projects. I will explain the 4 ways/situtations where you can use this method and create a get feature for the users.

Applications & Tools

  (85 votes) by (updated 15 hours ago)
How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and WebApi (RESTful)
  (16 votes) by Anurag Gandhi (updated 3 days ago)
A general purpose quiz application in angular 2 that can be used to run quizzes, mock tests, surveys, etc. This is an updated version for "Quiz Application in AngularJs".
  (11 votes) by (updated 2 days ago)
In this article, we will learn how to create/edit Role
  (9 votes) by O.Nasri 12202787 (updated yesterday)
Great article to learn how you can create web application from scratch using Angular2 & .NET CORE WEB API
  (8 votes) by O.Nasri 12202787 (updated 3 days ago)
Great article to learn how you can create web application from scratch using Angular2 & .NET CORE WEB API


  (8 votes) by Jan Dolinay (updated 3 days ago)
Source level debugger for Arduino with GDB and Eclipse


  (105 votes) by Dan Letecky (updated 6 days ago)
How to build an AJAX Event Calendar (Scheduler) using the open-source DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET MVC library (Apache License 2.0).
  (9 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 6 days ago)
Tutorial on using Entity Framework with jQuery AJAX in ASP.NET MVC

Audio and Video

  (80 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated 8 hours ago)
Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation.

C / C++ Language

  (9 votes) by David Lafreniere (updated 13 hours ago)
A framework combining state machines with asynchronous multicast delegates.


  (39 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 6 days ago)
Wexflow aims to make automations, workflow processes, long-running processes and interactions between systems, applications and folks easy, straitforward and clean.
  (37 votes) by Frakon (updated 6 days ago)
Deep cloning code made with Linq.Expressions. Tests and test classes are enclosed.
  (28 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
EF Core for Enterprise
  (18 votes) by Pritam Zope (updated 5 days ago)
In this article, we will create a Notepad with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, File Association,Opening/Saving Multiple Files, Line Numbers, Running External Programs, Viewing files in Browser, Full Screen Mode, etc.
  (13 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
Generating Code for EF Core with CatFactory
  (7 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated 6 days ago)
Creating Service Monitor Application with .NET Core

C++ / CLI

  (26 votes) by Jon McKee (updated 8 hours ago)
Examining some topics that often cause confusion in C++/CLI.

Client side scripting

  (10 votes) by Tomáš Růt (updated 4 days ago)
A simple introduction to bobril framework
  (4 votes) by Tomáš Růt (updated 4 days ago)
Simple explanation of bobril routing mechanism
  (3 votes) by Tomáš Růt (updated 4 days ago)
Explanation of features for localizations and formating by bobril-g11n library
  (3 votes) by Tomáš Růt (updated 4 days ago)
Explanation of bobflux application architecture for bobril

Code Generation

  (42 votes) by Dave Clemmer (updated 6 days ago)
Mo+ is the first technology that fully supports model oriented development, allowing software developers to powerfully scale the work they already do.

Cryptography & Security

  (3 votes) by Veronica S. Zotali (updated 2 days ago)
This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.


  (24 votes) by Vadim Loboda (updated 5 days ago)
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server

Design and Architecture

  (14 votes) by Dave Clemmer (updated 4 days ago)
Using Mo+ to augment a test driven approach to develop an application.
  (8 votes) by Robert_Dyball (updated 3 days ago)
"... dogs and cats living together ..." or how to build an application framework to get the best out of ASP.Net Core and Angular - at the same time.
  (5 votes) by Dave Clemmer (updated yesterday)
Identifying some model oriented techniques you already use and put those techniques into context of overall model oriented techniques that you can tap into.


  (232 votes) by lepipele (updated 2 days ago)
An overview that presents all PayPal integration options, targeted especially at C# developers.

Grid & Data Controls

  (9 votes) by James J M (updated 2 hours ago)
How to show and edit an object's properties using a DataGrid​​​​​​​
  (5 votes) by trident99 (updated yesterday)
GtCalc is a spreadsheet library for the GT Graphical User Interface Library


  (5 votes) by Michael Chourdakis (updated 17 hours ago)
A very quick file manager for your PHP site

New Tips and Tricks added

Applications & Tools

  (0 votes) by UmaRani T (updated yesterday)
This article is intended for those who are working with Visual Studio Team services and have basic understanding of build definition.


  (3 votes) by Member 11670137 (updated 3 days ago)
Displaying a Loading message\Loading GIF until the Page load completes
  (0 votes) by Muddassir Mohammed (updated yesterday)
Create a CRUD screen using ASP.NET MVC, dapper and jTable in 10 minutes


  (0 votes) by Dan_Lewis (updated 3 days ago)
TDE on Subscriptions for all AZURE databases


  (11 votes) by John Simmons / outlaw programmer (updated 4 days ago)
A DateTime extension method to determine if a given DateTime is one of the ten US federal holidays, using C#.
  (5 votes) by John Simmons / outlaw programmer (updated 3 days ago)
Figuring out when Easter occurs in a given year is based on the phase of the moon, the vernal equinox, and where in the world you are.
  (4 votes) by BrettPerry (updated 4 days ago)
A helper class to run functions in an asynchronous pattern using the Func delegate
  (4 votes) by John Simmons / outlaw programmer (updated 3 days ago)
Find the date of a specified federal holiday for a given year.

Connected Devices

  (1 votes) by Alberto Molero (updated 10 hours ago)
How to control TP-Link Smart Plug (HS100 or HS110) with C#


  (5 votes) by John Simmons / outlaw programmer (updated 4 days ago)
Using common table expressions to build data from thin air.
  (4 votes) by John Simmons / outlaw programmer (updated 4 days ago)
A scalar function to determine if a given DateTime is one of the ten US federal holidays, using SQL Server.
  (3 votes) by saddam_msp (updated 4 days ago)
Shortcuts to execute your query faster while working or debugging T-SQL statement

Design and Architecture

  (1 votes) by cjmakwana (updated 9 hours ago)
This article outlines the C# code implementation for the popular message broker pattern generally used in common problems which involves brokering of messages with arbitrary type.


  (3 votes) by Wagner NULL (updated 4 days ago)
This trick is about how to apply specific styles CSS for browsers individually.

Office Development

  (0 votes) by B. Clay Shannon (updated 4 days ago)
A real-life, step-by-step example of what is needed to refactor Excel Interop code to use Aspose Cells to generate Excel Spreadsheets

Tips and Tricks updated


  (1 votes) by Carlo Hans H. (updated yesterday)
Generating TypeScript Code with CatFactory

Client side scripting

  (1 votes) by rohit7209 (updated 2 days ago)
It is a very simple and effective utility build in jQuery & PHP to implement pagination on HTML table.


  (0 votes) by Cinchoo (updated yesterday)
Quick tutorial about parsing fixed length data files using Cinchoo ETL

Programming Tips

  (4 votes) by Dave Clemmer (updated yesterday)
Using to develop some unit tests, using Fact and Theory form of testing, including happy path tests and tests expected to throw exceptions

New Technical Blogs added


  (3 votes) by Cindy Potvin (updated 5 days ago)
How to get started with Android development: Layout managers

Applications & Tools

  (3 votes) by Caleb McElrath (updated 6 days ago)
Add E2E testing and make sure your users don't fail!
  (1 votes) by (updated yesterday)
In "REST - Overview" article, I were introduced the basic rules in RESTful, Can you show me how to implement in WebApi?Ok, in this article, we will learn how to implement those rules in WebApi using C#.Where could I get sourcode was used in this article?Please checkout the code at
  (1 votes) by (updated 14 hours ago)
Where can I see Angular2 - Directives - Part 1?Please have a look at Angular2 - Directives - Part 1 for more information about part 1.Ok, I have been read through part 1, But still not understand which case we should use attribute directive, could you tell me?Attribute directive is a suitable soluti


  (2 votes) by levelnis (updated 3 days ago)
The web development space is awash with technology stacks and frameworks. There are now myriad techniques for building websites. Some work better than others. All have one thing in common, though. If you want to visit one, you have to request it from a web server. Sounds simple, right? Maybe if you'


  (0 votes) by Nicolas Dorier (updated 5 days ago)
Set-AzureSubscription from a Publish File

Client side scripting

  (4 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 5 days ago)
This is the first part of Rewriting an Employee Tracker using Angular 2 and TypeScript Series.
  (3 votes) by Yogi S. (updated 5 days ago)
How to create a jQuery modal from start
  (1 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 5 days ago)
This is the first part of Introducing Angular Multi-Step Wizard using UI-Router Series 3.
  (0 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 5 days ago)
This is the first part of Introducing Angular Multi-Step Wizard using UI-Router Series 2.

Code Generation

  (0 votes) by Caleb McElrath (updated 3 days ago)
Thankful for Integrated Terminals in Visual Studio code


  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 5 days ago)
Master Data Services Insufficient Memory Error

Document / View

  (2 votes) by bhanupraveen (updated 4 days ago)
OCR using Microsoft document imaging APIs in C#.NET

IoT on Azure

  (0 votes) by Dave Kerr (updated 3 days ago)
Setting up your own OpenShift cluster can be a little complex, but in this article I'll show you how to make it fairly painless.


  (2 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
Working With Number – Infinity Adding – Beyond Integer – Java

Mobile Development

  (5 votes) by n.podbielski (updated 6 days ago)
In Xamarin if you want to use many Android native service/mechanism you have to implement it in Activity class. Or at least that is how Xamarin documentation wants you to do it. But there is a better way.


  (1 votes) by Eowind (updated 4 days ago)
In this post, we will look at how to access buffers in OpenGL from your application code to provide your shaders with vertex data and to draw our first triangle.
  (0 votes) by Eowind (updated 19 hours ago)
In this post we will look at how to reuse the Vertex Array and Buffers to draw the same model multiple times.


  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]


  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 5 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]

SQL Reporting Services

  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 5 days ago)
How to resolve PolyBase Installation errors in SQL Server 2016

Testing and QA

  (3 votes) by rushfive (updated 5 days ago)
Before I started doing software development, writing unit tests was usually an afterthought or something I neglected while working on my personal projects. After working for a while at a job that necessitates writing unit tests, the benefits of unit test coverage has become undeniably clear.
  (2 votes) by Anton Angelov (updated 14 hours ago)
Download the most complete Selenium WebDriver C# cheat sheet. All you need to to know- the most basic operations to the most advanced configurations.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (2 votes) by Hideous Humpback Freak (updated 23 hours ago)
Set theory defined
  (1 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 6 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Rion Williams (updated 6 days ago)
How to add support for your favorite library in Glyphfriend
  (0 votes) by Dave Ceddia (updated 6 days ago)
Deploy Create React App with Surge
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 3 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 5 days ago)
Single package deployment does not replace package deployment
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 4 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]
  (0 votes) by Kevin Ng (updated 3 days ago)
When working with number inside any programming language, the biggest challenge a programmer can face is that we are limited […]

Universal Windows Platform and Windows Runtime

  (5 votes) by Sifiso W Ndlovu (updated 5 days ago)
Resolving Windows folder access denied error

Web Security

  (5 votes) by Passion4Code (updated 5 days ago)
Recently while I was using GIT, the options in the browser on the GITHUB site, launched the application installed on my system!

Web Services

  (2 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 5 days ago)
This is the first part of Building an Employee Tracker using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API Series.
  (1 votes) by Cathy Wun (updated 5 days ago)
This is the first part of Rewriting an Employee Tracker Web API in ASP.NET Core 1.0 Series.

Blogs updated

Applications & Tools

  (3 votes) by (updated yesterday)
What is directive?Directive is a way we separate the re-usable function/ feature.Can you explain more detail?Back to the list of users, I want background color of first-name column of user who named "Tu" will be set to red. the UI is as below:So I need to update template (html file) as below:It is o


  (4 votes) by levelnis (updated 3 days ago)
How to make a web form read-only the easy way

Client side scripting

  (8 votes) by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner (updated 5 days ago)
While many new JavaScript features of ES6 (=ES2015) are still (in 2016!) not available in all important web browsers, the promising new feature of a JavaScript "promise" has arrived. This tutorial shows how to use it.

Windows Presentation Foundation

  (2 votes) by HeWillem (updated 6 days ago)
How to solve the TabControl focus behavior with invisible tabs

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