Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 3, 2016

Daily News - Here's what's inside Microsoft's private preview of Visual Studio next

Daily News - Here's what's inside Microsoft's private preview of Visual Studio next
Click here SpreadsheetGear
Enables ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight developers to take advantage of scalable Excel Reporting, dashboards from Excel charts and ranges, powerful spreadsheet controls, Excel-compatible charting, lightning-fast Excel-compatible calculations and more. Try it now!
Industry News
If only there was some way to block those adverts!
Source: Ars Technica
Oh good: a new browser to support (said no one ever)
Source: Softpedia
Because they secretly really wanted Win10?
Source: Business Insider
In related news, my hosting company is still asking for an arm and/or leg for a cert
Source: ZDNet
Developer News
For those of you considering upgrading from Programmer's Workbench
Source: ZDNet
Write Once, Play Everywhere
Source: Mozilla Hacks
"Red on black, you're OK, Jack"
Source: Building Apps for Windows
Science and Technology
"Magnets, how do they work?"
Source: The Stack
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"I've done my sentence, but committed no crime"
Source: CodeProject
"Hey ho, let's go"
Source: CodeProject

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