Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 12, 2014

Daily News - What's next for Windows 10?

What's next for Windows 10?
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Industry News
Source: ZDNet
In related news: dog foundation finds people don't like cats
Source: ZDNet
"This town ain't big enough for the two of us, sheriff"
Source: Infoworld
A four year old computer is "ripe for upgrade"? Smells pretty ripe around here then.
Source: Networkworld
Hyperbole is the BEST THING EVER!
Source: Computerworld
Developer News
"Many are called, few are chosen"
Source: MakeUseOf
As well as the rest of this month's MSDN Magazine
Source: MSDN Magazine
Assuming you don''t know them all
Source: Programming Zen
"Harder, better, faster, stronger"
Source: SD Times
Unless you're not, in which case, you're right
Source: O'Reilly Radar
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
"Hell is other people"
Source: CodeProject
Normal polarity? They're checking to see if you match their plugs.
Source: CodeProject

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