Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 5, 2014

Web Developer Newsletter - JSON Spirit: A C++ JSON Parser/Generator Implemented with Boost Spirit

31 articles this week
Welcome to this week's Web Development newsletter from CodeProject.
Click here Cloudant DBaaS – Build more, grow more, sleep more!
Create stunning web and mobile experiences that scale easily to reach millions of users wherever they are. Cloudant is the only fully managed NoSQL DBaaS that's always on, scales massively, and is managed 24x7 by data experts. Try now with support!
Click here Forrester & Perfecto Mobile Webinar: 3 Keys to Mobile Quality Strategy
Learn how to create a mobile strategy that enables agile practices and accelerates release cycles without compromising the quality of mobile apps. Join this webinar and get a bonus Forrester benchmark report - register now!
Quill Rich Text Editor
Quill is an open source editor built for the modern web. It is built with an extensible architecture and an expressive API so you can completely customize it for your use case. (more: Quill JS)
Don't forget to cover your client side!
Client side unit testing presents different challenges than server side testing. When dealing with client side code, you will find yourself struggling to separate application logic from DOM logic, as well as just structuring JavaScript code in general. Fortunately there are a lot of great client side testing libraries out there to help test your code, create metrics about the test coverage, as well as analyze the complexity of it. (more: Net Tuts)
Spark: micro web framework
Spark's intention is not to compete with Sinatra, or the dozen of clones in different languages (Grafitti, Nancy, Flask, Sammy etc...). Its intention is to be used by Java developers that want or are required to develop in pure Java. (more: Spark Java)
Click here Need Enterprise-Grade JavaScript Charting?
Hobby projects don't cut it when you are developing enterprise-grade applications. You need JavaScript charts the grown-ups use—FusionCharts. Stunning looks, cross-browser and device compatibility, 90+ charts & drill-down. First chart in 15 mins - try now.
Click here SpreadsheetGear 2012 for .NET Now Available!
New WPF and Silverlight controls, multithreaded recalc, 64 new Excel compatible functions, save to XPS, improved efficiency and performance, Windows 8 support and more. Download your fully functional SpreadsheetGear trial Today!
Rethinking DOM Traversal
One of the most common tasks a front-end developer may handle is traversing the DOM (Document Object Model). Usually this involves locating a DOM element and then manipulating it and/or its contents. Most of us have been using jQuery for this task for the past seven or eight years, as it is one of the core things jQuery has handled well since day one. (more: Flippin' Awesome)
No more JS frameworks
JavaScript frameworks seem like death and taxes; inevitable and unavoidable. I'm sure that if I could be a fly on that wall every time someone started a new web project, the very first question they'd ask is, which JS framework are we using? That's how ingrained the role of JS frameworks are in the industry today. But that's not the way it needs to be, and actually, it needs to stop. (more: Joe Gregario) is where pioneers and community-members of the Web Components ecosystem (like Polymer, X-tags, and other interested parties) document web components best practices so that others can follow the same path instead of needlessly striking out on their own. (more: Web Components)
Creating Simple Line and Bar Charts Using D3.js
D3.js helps to visualize data using HTML, SVG, and CSS. In this article, we'll see how to implement line and bar charts using D3.js. (more: Sitepoint)

Latest Articles

31 articles overall. 20 new, 11 updated.

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  • C# and Asp.Net Question and Answers(All in one) - Akhil_Mittal
    this article provides a collection of numerous .Net, C#, ADO.NET, Web Services, .Net Framework questions and answers for which a reader has to look around for entire internet on different community web sites.


Grid & Data Controls

Hardware & System


  • XMLFoundation - Brian Aberle
    XMLFoundation is the fastest approach to dealing with XML and it also delivers a simple and easy to manage pattern of software development into your application.

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Client side scripting



Progress Controls

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  • ThreadAbortException. I'm just fine, but thank you for asking. - Tim Golisch
    I found a fun one today. I was working on an page that was having some funny behavior. When you clicked the Search button, instead of being redirected to a search results page, it was going to an error … Continue reading →

Game Development

  • Architecting Unity3D – The Dreaded "." - Simon Jackson
    Unity 5 is fast approaching it being with it a whole heap of new features, some obvious, some not so obvious. If you haven't seen what's coming publically in Unity 5, check out the feature preview shown at Unite 2014   There are however a few behind the scenes changes …


  • How To Implement Back To Top Feature in Html/Asp.Net/PhP - Nitesh Luharuka
    Friends, In many websites having long contents we have seen a “Back To Top” or “Scroll To Top” button when clicked takes you to the top of the webpage. We see this kind of feature normally on the product listing pages of e-commerce websites. Today in this post we will impleme

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