Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 7, 2024

💾 ARC4 Encryption Library - The Daily Build

💾 ARC4 Encryption Library - The Daily Build
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Headline article

ARC4 Encryption Library

  (11 votes) by Pavel Bashkardin (updated 13 hours ago)
ARC4 (Alleged RC4) Cryptography Provider Class Library

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (1 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 16 hours ago)
Basic operations (-, +, *, /) of two finite simple continued fractions

Programming Languages

  (8 votes) by raddevus (updated 1 week ago)
Using .NET Core 8.x to create a WebAPI framework which saves each user's data in a personal copy of Sqlite database.

Web Development

  (5 votes) by Mark Pelf (updated 1 week ago)
Custom Breadcrumbs for Bootstrap 5 framework

Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (4 votes) by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny (updated 14 hours ago)
A rational class to extend numeric functionality

Desktop Programming

  (8 votes) by Sbk123 (updated 1 week ago)
This is a multi player Pong game written in C#/ WPF using Visual Studio

Programming Languages

  (154 votes) by Elmue (updated 1 week ago)
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  (493 votes) by Shivprasad koirala (updated 1 week ago)
In this article we will try to understand SOLID Architecture principles using simple C# examples.

Web Development

  (77 votes) by Akram El Assas (updated 1 week ago)
Car Rental Platform with a mobile app

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